Isle of Ely Canine Society

Lovely to go to a show and to just judge the handling, and I had some inspiring and thought provoking conversations about handling and the judging thereof.

An initial circuit all together, then an individual triangle followed by an up & down was enough to decide these classes and is typically all that would be needed to effectively show a dog in the breed ring.  I did a bit more in the older age group and the challenge but the result stayed the same.

A couple of things that apply to most of the younger handlers:-

1.     When doing a circuit, try to make it flow by rounding off the corners. Don’t go into the corner of the ring a do a turn, and when going round together, remember to leave enough space behind the dog in front especially if yours is bigger and faster.

2.     When you have other handlers standing along the top of the ring, don’t go so far into the first corner so you can do a straight line across in front of them.

 And one for the trainers out there.  Spend time with your juniors perfecting the basics, tablework, teeth and straight lines.  This will give them a much better chance than teaching advanced patterns too early. 

So to the classes

 6 – 11 yrs (12,5a)

1st  Sarah Mansfield – Young Lady you apparently is just starting out. I loved her polite, calm attentive handling. Stacked her Whippet in a gentle, calm manner.  Showed the teeth clearly.  Moved her dog at a good speed and shadowed well.  Just remember to plan your route to take into account any obstacles in the ring and tighten up your show turns at the end of the up and down. (Your trainer can help with this).  Very promising young handler.  

2nd  Rosie Douse – Very close between 1 & 2. Very aware of how to stack her dog on the table. Another with good lines on her pattern work.  Remember that with a breed with coat around the mouth you need to practice pulling this away when showing the teeth to give the judge a clear view.  Again, watch for obstacles in the ring and plan a route to avoid them before setting off. Good use of the voice to re-assure her dog. 

The remaining handlers in this class all had an idea of the basics and with the right guidance and training they could all become very proficient handlers.  It was the little things like attention to how their dog was standing and the straightness and direction of lines that was the difference between 3rd and not being placed.

 3rd  Paris Harding

4th  Albany Sawyer

5th  Emeral Fish


12 – 16 yrs (6,2a)

1st  Bobbi Shepherd – What a lovely handler.  My notes simply state calm, sympathetic, controlled and positive with beautiful lines.  Lovely triangle and presented the best lines in the class on her up & downs. Very smooth on the transitions in her send-on and attentive to get her dog standing correct.  Stood out. Well done. 

2nd  Connor Harding –. This young man impressed but just needs to tidy up a few areas to reach the next level.  On the table the positioning of the dogs feet was good and the teeth were well presented.  I felt that the dog’s head could be higher to give a better outline.  Good lines on the pattern work and a nice send-on.  Keep working the dog on the free stand to get her looking her best on the floor. 

3rd  Phoebe Harris

4th  Jewelene Fish


Ray McDonald (Judge)